Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Toy storage Ideas for kids

Day by day my sweetie pie's toys are getting endless that I should definitely find more and more ways to get it organized and ease her access to everything.
And here is the result of my findings in the web :)

A clean,simple and complete idea of toy storage is here.

You can make few by yourself to make the storage more attractive and cost effective.

The tutorial of the above can be found at

 Another super way of making storage bins by yourself.

The tutorial is from the site,

If you want a transparent storage for toys like legos,you can definitely try this one.

And the tutorial goes here,

If there is a nursery you try to build up for your kiddo, here is a fantastic funny way for storing toys.I loved it much :D

 Some other options are

 Happy storing toys :) :) :)